Big Ballers VR - Game Update: V3485
Jun 12, 2024

Game Update: V3485
June 12th 2024
Game Mode Updates
New Blade Ballers, a new game mode and a matching park!
Hit the ball towards the players. Don't get hit. The last one standing wins. Be on the look out for other easter eggs!
Fitness is now its own park
Level up your body with daily drills of warm-ups, stretches and challenges.
Dodgeball and Laser Tag has been separated into their own parks!
Basketball has all new stats
View your Assists, Steals and Rebounds on your career page.
Added a competitive mode.
Baseball and Dodgeball had their ball throwing force adjusted to be higher.
Competitive Mode
Added competitive Basketball with Ranked Matchmaking
Win games to gain Matching Making Rating (MMR) and level up your ranks
Matchmaking takes into account your MMR and ping, and tries to find other similar players in the matchmaking queue.
The accuracy of matchmaking will improve over time as more players complete their placement in matches. MMR will learn over the time period.
We have added the following competitive leagues:
New Content
Spectator Mode
This mode will turn you into a camera drone that can fly around most parks for content creation. We are excited to see what our Content Creators and the community will make with these new tools.
You can access this feature in two ways.
Toggle spectator by pressing and holding [Right Thumbstick]
Access the In-Game Menu > Settings > Gameplay > Spectate
MORE Tiers have been added and all tiers have been visually enhanced. Some tiers have had their requirements adjusted as well.
When you win a match or level up you will be notified of all stats you have gained recently.
Your tier and current progress to the next level is now visible in the top right of the in-game menu.
The Career page now displays all the sports more clearly.
Ready Button, restyled and clarified
Join Zone is now more accurate as represented in-game. You should no longer be left out of a match
Game instructions will no longer blocks other team(s) while standing in the zone.
Reputation Plate now says "rep9999" for clarity
Banners now face you so you can actually read them!
LED Name Plate replaces your name text instead of overlapping it.
Fixed banners in the shop and replay not showing your name/stats